Caching is used to improve performance of Application like consistency & looking. We can virtually provide results to user and run the Application more faster. Cache means programmed memory Area. supports caching in different concepts but the important areas. Where user has to involve and produce results are 3 types.
- Page output caching
- Data Caching
- Fragment Caching
All these caching methods objective is same but the only diff is what they cache.
1)In page output caching entire processed page request is cache. So , that for every request we provide output to uses from cache instead of performing process it.
2)It is also important to understand page life cycle with caching & without caching . User has to explicitly add caching support in order to cache the page. Different directives are provided to implement page output cache.
1)Page Output Caching:
Design the page with all content regularly and write code according to requirement. Go to directives section and add <%@OutPutCache Duration="n sec" VaryByParam="none/*/param"%> to the page.
Here , Duration specifies the amount of time we want to Cache the page Output Results. VaryByParam is used to specify parameter based Caching when not required we specify none.
1) In a new page drag & drop label, textbox, button controls
2) On button click event write below lines of code.
protected void btn_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
<%@ OutPutCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="none"%>.
If we specify any parameter for VaryByParam attribute then store different cache results for different values. But the load to maintain values will also increase. Parameter can be any control or QueryString value.
In Data Caching we will Cache only the Data which we process with ours statement. It can be a simple variable or it can be a complex type. Cache object of is used to create Data Caching this object is provided to overcome the drawbacks of Application object. Like consistency and looking and some programmatic issues. Apart from this Cache object has exclusive advantages like Time Based Expiry, Dependence Base Expiry, Managed By Runtime.
1)In a new form drag & drop button , link button name as Refresh and GridView controls.
2)On your button click event write the below lines of code.
DataSet ds;
protected void btn_click (object sender,EventArgs e)
ds=new DataSet();
ds=//Bind Data;
protected void lnkbtn_Clck(object sender,EventArgs e)
ds=new DataSet();
ds=//Bind Data;
The reason to provide Refresh button to our page is to make or generate consistence output. Without refresh button if we want to manage consistency logically. Then we can create admin page in order to update the Cache Data apart from doing logically we can also use TimeBased or DependencyBased features to provide consistency result.
The timebased Expire in Data Caching:
When we cache data by default it will be available as long as our Application is running apart from logical methods another updating methods that we can use are time based & dependency based expiry.
Time Based Expire:
In time based expire we will cache data and provide time for expire. So that we can reload over data from original datasource.
Cache object has insert method for creating time waste and dependence base expire object.
ds=//Bind Data;
//Time Based Expire
Note: After 1 min data will be loss. Why because here we add minutes 1 .
Dependency Based Expiry:
To create dependency base expiry we use some insert method but with cache dependence class which will perform dependence based expiry. Some time we can't have logical update to our Cache Data and also time base expiry may not be better solution. In such cases we will go for dependency based Expire.
Note: We do either time based (or) dependency based not both at a time
Cache.Insert("ds",ds,new System.Web.Caching.CacheDependency(MapPath(.xml)));
3)Fragment Caching:
In this method we will Cache some part of our webpage unlike page output caching where entire data is Cache. Fragment caching is implemented with a concept but not with any new command or directive. Fragment caching is very important as we use web user control concept in it.
In user defined control via created in 2 ways
- Using web User Control
- Using Custom control.
For any project user defined controls are required and it is very important to create new property and consume it with web user control we can create user defined controls with in the project and consumed it in the same project.
Web User Control:
• Add a new item -> web user control a file with extension .ascx( Active Server control). This file is created with< %@Control.....%> Directive instead of <%@Page....%> no default content like HTML, head are present in this file.
• Add <%@ OutPut Cache directive to the control.
• Go to Page and register to the control as it is compulsory to consuming a control.
Custom Control:
with custom control also we can create user defined control. Most of the standard controls are like custom controls. Unlike web user control. A custom control is prepared as .net library assembly . i.e. .dll. a custom control is created using the base control called web control. Which doesn't provide any functionality for a control. All content should be created and managed by developer only provides a separate project template for creating a custom control. We can use that and build a .net dll containing control.
The following steps are followed fro developing custom control.
• Start file -> new project -> web -> server control.
• A .cs file is created where a class will be extending "web Control" class. Which is base class for all controls. Sample property & a method for displaying the control initial or processed output is also provided.
• User has to add all control functionality here i.e. in a class required for preparing a best control.
• We can add more controls to our project using add new item and server control template. Every control is designed with same component building style.
• After preparing all these controls we have to just build our project and the result will be a .dll file containing all these controls.
Consuming the .dll file:
• Start a web site and create a tab in toolbox. So , that controls are not mixed up with other categories.
• Right click on the created tab and select choose items which will result in displaying of window showing all controls components that we can add / remove to our project.
• Browse our .dll file which is created and deserve how they are displayed in toolbox.
• From toolbox we can simply drag & drop automatically register created a control in pages.
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